Video from Alyn Smith MP, Stirling Constituency

A collection of videos from Alyn Smith MP in the category 'Westminster'.
158 video(s) found
Question on Belarus - Tuesday 8th Sept
My question today to the UK Government, on what action they're taking regarding recent events in Belarus.
Question to the Foreign Secretary: International Development
We on the SNP benches were concerned that the merger of the Department for International Development and the Foreign ...
Question on Daesh statement
I welcomed the Defence Secretary's statement on Daesh yesterday, but it's been too long (a whole year) since one was ...
Westminster Power Grab
Under the UK government plans, Westminster could force devolved nations to accept lower standards, regardless of the ...
Scotland is in a position that it did not choose to be in
My full speech from yesterday. Scotland is in a position that it did not choose to be in. There is a serious democratic ...
I ask Michael Gove: How is Brexit making my constituents' life better?
A married couple from Stirling, in their 70s, will have to pay £166.22 per month to replicate what they already have in ...
Measures to Sanction Human Rights Abusers
Today's announcements from the UK government about measures to sanction human rights abusers is welcome - and the SNP ...
Beijing in Breach of International Agreements
Beijing imposing security laws upon Hong Kong is in breach of international agreements. The EU has done more in this ...
Annexation of the West Bank
The UK government has offered warm words and sympathy over the illegal occupation and annexation in the West Bank, but ...
Department for International Development to Merge with the Foreign Office
This week, the UK Government announced that it is merging the Department for International Development with the Foreign ...
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