Alyn Smith MP

Collected videos

Video Archive

This is a full archive of all videos featured on the site, starting with the most recent. To view videos sorted by category, please go here or, if you’re searching for something specific, please use the search box below.

201 video(s) found
Rubber Chicken Theatre
[video width=”1280″ height=”720″ …
Nationality & Borders Bill
Alyn Smith MP: Taking part in the Westminster debate on the UK Government’s Nationality & Borders Bill
Cyber -attack: Microsoft
Alyn Smith MP: Speaking on debate concerning recent Cyber-attack
Human Rights: Trade Deals
Alyn Smith MP: Contribution to debate on the 2021/2022 Statement from the UK Government’s Department for International Trade.
Foreign Aid Cut Debate
Alyn Smith MP: My contribution to the debate on the UK Government’s proposed cut to Foreign Aid budget.
North Korea debate
North Korea is facing a humanitarian disaster jeopardising the interests of 25 million people.
Debate on Israel and Palestine
Emphasising the SNP stance on violence, international law and recognition of Palestine as a state.
Contribution to debate on Uyghur Tribunal
I ask the Minister what practical measures the government to taking to support people giving evidence at the Uyghur Tribunal.
Alyn Smith on Human Rights in Hong Kong
My contribution to the Westminster Hall debate on Human Rights in Hong Kong, June 9th 2021.
Debate on Violence in Israel and Palestine, my contribution
Now is the time to recognise Palestine and give an impetus to the two-state solution.
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