Scottish SPCA Welcome Support from Alyn Smith MP


Categories: Animal Welfare, Charities and Third-Sector, Constituency, Rural Affairs

The Scottish SPCA is delighted to have the support of Stirling MP, Alyn Smith, on key animal welfare issues.

The SSPCA released figures from the Stirling area from 1 Jan to 31 May 2021 and found a decrease of over 50% of the number of animals rehomed in the Stirling area compared to the same time last year. The number of incidents rose from 173 in 2020 to 210 this year.

The majority of incidents in the Stirling area were reports of injuries to wildlife which equalled 118 out of the 210 jobs. Injured wild animals are taken to our National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Clackmannanshire where there is an average of 10,000 wildlife admissions each year.

Chief Executive Kirsteen Campbell said:

‘We are thrilled to have the support of Alyn Smith MP. Our dedicated frontline is embedded in the Stirling community and we help animals and people across the Forth Valley.

‘We did see a rise in the number of incidents reported in the area compared to last year but this is to be expected because of the pandemic. Over lockdown we received fewer calls to our animal helpline due to restricted movement and less people being out and about.

‘It is heartening that so many people in the Stirling area care so much for wild animals with wildlife rescue being the most common reason for people to call us.

‘We enjoyed updating Mr Smith about the key messages in our manifesto. This includes our campaign to ban fox hunting and the use of snares. We are also calling for licenses to allow the translocation and release of beavers in Scotland which we hope will combat the need for lethal control.

‘Mr Smith was also interested to hear of our efforts to tackle the low-welfare puppy trade which has increased tenfold over the pandemic due to public demand for puppies. We rescued over 150 puppies from the industry in 2020 and we continue to work with other leading agencies to fight the trade.

‘Many people have bought a sick or dying puppy which is heartbreaking for a new family. Tackling the trade has led to us saving more animals who come in to our care without the possibility of being rehomed. Our centres have become full and this puts a huge strain on our resources.

‘Many animals involved in legal proceedings spend months or even years in our care. Whilst our amazing animal care and rehabilitation teams provide first class treatment for these animals, a centre is no substitute for a loving home environment. With the best will in the world, an animal’s health can still deteriorate in a kennel environment. Our priority is to get animals into secure and loving homes as quickly as possible.  

‘We are so pleased to have the support of Alyn Smith on these issues and we look forward to working together in the future.’

Kirsteen Campbell and Scottish SPCA chief superintendent Mike Flynn met with Mr Smith in Stirling on 25 June.

Alyn Smith MP said:

‘It was great to hear from Mike and Kirsteen about the continuing work of the Scottish SPCA, and how they’ve adapted operations throughout the pandemic. The Scottish SPCA continues to do a power of work to protect animals, pets and livestock.

‘Animal welfare and wellbeing is better served by their continuing dedication and passion. As honorary vice-president, I’m always delighted to champion their cause and help promote their efforts, particularly here in Stirling.

‘The pandemic has led to a real shift in thinking, from consumers and animal lovers alike, regarding our collective relationship with nature. I truly hope a better era of animal welfare, and ethical action in the treatment of animals, is here – and that’s in no small part down to the work of the Scottish SPCA.’

The Scottish SPCA recently released its Manifesto which outlines its animal welfare priorities. The Society Annual Review can be found here.

If anyone is concerned about an animal, please do not hesitate to contact the confidential animal helpline on 03000 999 999. We need your support today.


Pictured are Scottish SPCA Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn, Alyn Smith MP, rescue dog Martha and Kirsteen Campbell, Chief Executive