Illegal Rural Parking Puts Lives at Risk


Categories: Culture and Tourism, Rural Affairs, Stirling Council, Travel

Stirling MP Alyn Smith has supported enforcement measures taken to clamp down on dangerous rural parking, following disappointing reports of continued disruption in Stirling’s rural communities.

Beauty spots have been extremely popular with visitors throughout the summer, due to overseas travel in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to several instances of dangerous parking, which has on occasion obstructed emergency services from attending incidents.

Stirling Council has worked closely with Police Scotland, the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park authorities and local communities to ensure safe practices are enforced.

Alyn Smith MP said:

“Throughout the summer I’ve been approached on a number of occasions by rural Stirling residents, concerned with reckless parking and dangerous roadside behaviour from visitors.

‘I commend the work of Stirling Council, Police Scotland the park authorities in managing the situation, and hope the reality of financial penalties and enforcement will deter visitors from behaving so recklessly.

‘Stirling is a beautiful constituency, full of fantastic scenery and several popular beauty spots. We welcome visitors, and love nothing more than sharing this stunning place with new faces. But please, follow the rules, park with courtesy, avoid crowded places and treat these communities with the respect they deserve.’


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